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Useful information
This is the website of the Hanger Hill Garden Estate Residents Association (HHGERA), which works on behalf of residents of all parts of the Estate, both houses and flats. The Association does not directly manage the blocks of flats - for queries about flats matters, please contact the flats management company (links below).
Please let us know if you have suggestions for other information or links.
Contact the Association Chairman
To contact Kate Crossland, HHGERA Chair, email chair@hhgera.com. You can also contact members of the HHGERA Board via the Contact form on this website.
Flats management
The freehold of all the flats on the Estate is owned and managed by Hanger Hill Garden Estate Ltd. Please see their website at http://hangerhillgardenestate.co.uk that includes a link to their Estate Regulations covering their rules concerning noise, nuisance, windows and parking. The Flats Caretaker is Ola Awe on 07931 229 644. His hours are between 8 am and 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday.
The Chair of the Flats management board is Alun Rowlands, who can be contacted via alunatHHGE@outlook.com.
Skip permits
Click here to request a permit to place a skip on the service roads that belong to the houses part of the estate. Permits to put skips on the street need to go through your contractor to Ealing Council, and there are a couple of service roads that belong to the flats rather than the houses. If in doubt, email skips@hhgera.com.
Neighbourhood policing
Click here or follow the link on the left for information from our local police about the Safer Neighbourhoods scheme and crime prevention in our area. Residents association officers meet regularly with the local team and have worked with them when crimes are reported on the Estate.
Victim Support: 0845 303 0900
Crime Stoppers: 0800 555 111
Action Fraud (to report fraud and internet crime)
Our two local Tube stations are West Acton (Central Line) and North Ealing (Picadilly). There is no step-free access at either station but Ealing Broadway is scheduled for step-free access. Click here for further information.
Orange bikes: Call 0330 131 9789 or email support.uk@mobike.com (not Ealing Council) to get badly parked Mobikes removed. Lines are open 9-6 Mon-Fri.
Public and emergency services
Some other useful telephone numbers are:
To request removal of an abandoned vehicles: use the Ealing Council website
Anti Social Behaviour Hotline: 020 8825 5994 or email safercommunities@ealing.gov.uk
Electricity - UK Power Networks: 0800 3163 105
Fly tipping: report online via the Ealing Council website
Graffiti Removal: report online via the Ealing Council website
National Gas Emergency Service: 0800 111 999
Ealing Hospital: 020 8967 5000
Ealing Council Environmental Health/Noise Hotline: 020 8825 8111
Police non-emergency reporting line: 101 (in emergency dial 999)
Street Lighting: report faulty lights via the Ealing Council website
Bulky waste collection: (removal of furniture etc): order a collection via the Ealing Council website
Thames Water emergency helpline: 0800 316 9800 (sign up for sms updates and alerts)
Disposal of rubbish and garden waste
We ask everyone living on the Estate to help maintain its beauty and character. Keeping waste under control requires everyone's attention. There is lots of information on our rather complicated rubbish and recycling system on the Ealing Council website and the Wheelie Bins page of this website. Estate residents can also use Brent Council's excellent recycling centre at Park Royal - book a slot at https://westlondonwaste.gov.uk/brent/hrrc.
Local organisations
Hanger Hill East Residents Association (covers the Haymills Estate)
Ealing Civic Society (borough-wide group)
Ealing U3A (educational and other activities for older people)
Ealing Talking Newspapers (for blind and partially sighted people)
Ealing Advice (we do not have a local Citizens Advice Bureau)
Stop the Towers (campaigning organisation opposed to over-development in Ealing)
Local and Ealing news
Ealing Gazette
Ealing Today
Vue cinemas (Acton and Westfield)
Ealing Picturehouse
Act One cinema and café (Acton)
Lyric (Hammersmith)
Riverside Studios
Questors (Ealing)
Richmond Theatre
Ealing Council
Councillors (the Estate is in Hanger Hill ward)
Waste and recycling
Planning and building control information
Political parties
Ealing Liberal Democrats
Ealing Labour Party (local MP is Rupa Huq)
Ealing Conservatives