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Rubbish and recycling
Along with the rest of Ealing, our Estate uses 'wheelie bin' rubbish collection. Please help to ensure the system runs smoothly by sorting your rubbish into the appropriate bins and only putting out food waste caddies on the morning of collection.
There was widespread opposition among houses residents to the Council's original proposal in 2016 to empty the bins from pavements and front gardens, and the Residents Association lobbied successfully for collections to be switched to the service roads. The Council paid for and erected new 'No Parking' signs for the service roads, while HHGERA funded repairs and other work to ensure the trucks do not get stuck on their way around, as well as special arrangements for the two narrow service roads closest to West Acton station.
Wheelie bins make it easier to recycle and have stopped foxes, rats etc ripping open bin bags and scattering their contents around the Estate. The arrangements have helped to protect the special character and beauty of the Estate.

Please ensure you understand the collection arrangements and play your part in making them work. Click here for a downloadable version of the information on this page. If you have questions, see the FAQs at the bottom of this page.
If you live in a house on the Hanger Hill Garden Estate:
Most houses have two wheelie bins (black for general waste and blue for recycling)
In most cases, these are emptied from the service road behind your house
Special arrangements have been made where this is not possible, including for the two narrow service roads nearest to West Acton station (see below)
It is really important not to obstruct service roads, especially on collection days, as this will disrupt the service
General and recycling waste are collected on alternate weeks
Collection days are Wednesday/Thursday, including bank holiday weeks, apart from over Christmas and new year when special arrangements apply
The right bin/s must be put outside by 7am on collection days
Weekly food waste and fortnightly (subscription) garden waste collection is from the front of your house
Apply via www.ealing.gov.uk/bins if you need help with your bins
Download the @home app from Ealing Council for reminders about which bins to put out.
Special arrangements
No rear access: A few houses, marked with a red dot on the map, do not have access to service roads through the back of their gardens or garages. Their bins will be emptied, on relevant collection days, from the front of their houses.
Narrow service roads: The two service roads nearest to West Acton station (marked in green on the map) are too narrow for Council vehicles to access. Residents of these houses have been provided with communal bins, which are emptied fortnightly on the same day as the normal wheelie bin collection. We tried very hard but failed to persuade the council to empty these weekly so it is important to fold and compress rubbish as far as possible so as not to overload the bins.
To make this work and protect the beauty of our Estate:
Please only put rubbish in the wheelie bins provided - black bags and loose waste will not be collected and will attract vermin. Please be thoughtful, particularly if you are using one of the communal bins, about noise and other inconvenience to your neighbours. Pick up any loose rubbish you see on service roads and put it into a bin for the next collection.
Service roads must not be blocked by cars or skips, particularly on collection days. If tradesmen need to use the back entrance at other times, they should place a note on their vehicles to say where they are working and give a mobile number.
Use the food waste collection service, which remains weekly, to minimise smells and insects, particularly in summer, as wheelie bins are only emptied on alternate weeks.
Put out food caddies early on collection day, rather than the night before, because foxes have learned how to open them!
Do not keep wheelie bins in service roads other than on delivery days as they could be used by criminals to climb over fences and in to people's gardens. Paint your house number on your bins so they don't go astray.
Frequently asked questions
Q - It'd be much more convenient for me to put my wheelie bins in the front garden. Why can't I do this?
A - The Association had an overwhelming mandate from residents to negotiate service road collection, for the sake of the wellbeing of the Estate as a whole, and the arrangements agreed with the council envisage service road collection wherever possible. The council's contractors will not collect waste which is not put out in accordance with the arrangements agreed.
Q - How do I separate out my rubbish for the different bins?
A - There are four different collections:
Food waste goes into the green plastic bucket, which is collected from the front of your house weekly (you can order a new bucket if needed via www.ealing.gov.uk/bins)
The subscription service for gardening waste involves fortnightly collections from the front of your house
Recycling waste (paper, plastic, metal, glass) goes in the blue wheelie bin or recycling communal bin and is collected on alternate weeks from the rear
General waste (everything else) goes into the black wheelie bin or communal bin and is collected fortnightly from the rear, alternating with recycling waste
Q - What if my house doesn't have access to the service road?
A - Special arrangements have been made to collect your wheelie bins from the front of your property.
Q - How do I know which week is recycling, which week is general waste?
A - Check on the Ealing Council website, and you can download a helpful app ("@home") reminding you each week which bin to put out.
Q - What if I've got too much rubbish to fit in the bins?
A - Domestic waste can be taken to the recycling centres at Greenford Road or Park Royal. (The Abbey Road recycling centre in Park Royal is run by Brent Council. It's the nearest to our Estate and accepts all kinds of waste. You can drive in but you must book an appointment and they are not open every day of the week to members of the public.) Ealing Council also has a paid-for bulky waste collection service for furniture and other larger items which can be collected from your front garden or entrance area. Alternatively, you could ask if your neighbours have spare space in their bins. DO NOT put extra rubbish or plastic bags beside your bins, as they will not be collected. The only exception is recycling waste, which will be collected if it is left out in transparent bags or, in the case of cardboard, neatly folded.
Q - Why can't I keep my wheelie bins in the service road?
A - We've been advised by the Police that there is a risk of intruders using them to climb over garden fences. In high wind, bins can fall over and the litter can attract vermin such as rats. It often ends up being picked up by your neighbours, who would rather not have to do this. Please therefore be considerate and return bins to your garden or garage once they've been emptied.
Q - Why did we agree to have wheelie bins? There was a perfectly good recycling and waste collection service already.
A - This was a borough-wide project and our Estate was never going to be an exception. However, the Residents Association worked hard to minimise the visual impact, by negotiating rubbish collection from service roads wherever possible. The outcome may not be perfect but it's a lot better than the original plan which would have meant wheelie bins cluttering up front gardens all round the Estate. There have been a few minor improvements since the system began and hopefully there will be more as time goes on.