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A peaceful haven
Our Estate is a quiet place, albeit within easy reach of central London, with a strong sense of community and shared green spaces. Click here to download the information on this page.
As a conservation area, it has kept its unique Mock Tudor appearance but the houses and flats are great for 21st century living! Do have a browse of this website if you are thinking of joining us here, and if you've already settled in... get to know your neighbours, be considerate about the basics like bins and noise, and if you have time please do get involved. Just email volunteer@hhgera.com if you would like to help organise community events.

Community events
Watch out for details on Twitter, this site, the HHGE Newsletter and posters around the Estate.
Community picnic
The sun shone, balloons bounced, children played and almost everybody ate too much cake... a great community picnic on June 12th 2022 was loosely tied to the Queen's platinum jubilee and a celebration for all who live here.
Litter picking
We hold occasional community litter picking events, the last one of which picked up nearly 40 bags of rubbish!
Hopefully, PlayStreet will be back in 2025. This is when part of Monks Drive is closed to traffic so children can play safely and grownups can chat. Watch out for posters about the dates of future events or follow our Twitter feed.
More useful stuff
Rubbish, recycling and litter
Bin days are Thursday (mostly) and Wednesday, depending where you live. If you're not sure how it all works, check out the Wheelie Bins page on this site. Please help by NEVER parking on service roads, ONLY putting rubbish into the appropriate bin, picking up any litter you see, and reporting missed collections via the Ealing Council website.
Skip permits
Since 1 July 2019 you have needed a permit from the residents association to put a skip on any of the service roads that belong to HHGER Ltd (broadly, those behind houses on the Estate). The cost of a permit, as approved by the 2019 Annual General Meeting, is £40 for the first month and £10 a week thereafter. Click here for an application form and guidance notes.
Volunteers needed!
HHGERA is run entirely by volunteers and we would love more people to join us and help look after this lovely Estate. Don’t worry! It needn’t take up much of your time – just an hour or two a month, or we have one-off projects too. It’s rewarding and important work. And you will receive lots of support from the neighbours who already co-ordinate these tasks. Email volunteer@hhgera.com to discuss how you can help.
Houses service charge
Every house on the Estate contributes a small amount annually to cover essential items including insurance and routine maintenance of our communal gardens and service roads. The charge for 2025, which was set at the Annual General Meeting, is just £70 a house. Please always pay service charge promptly (invoices are normally issued in March) and by bank transfer if possible, rather than cash or cheque. Email invoices@hhgera.com if you have lost the invoice, have any questions about the service charge or wish to pay arrears from previous years.
Dog poo
There are a lot more dogs on the Estate than there used to be and most people are considerate about picking up their poo and getting rid of it properly. But to avoid any doubt, there are two different offences that are common when it comes to walking dogs. The first is just leaving the mess on the ground, which is covered under the Clean Neighbourhoods Act and comes with an £80 fixed penalty notice for dog fouling. The second is when a person picks up the waste, usually in a plastic bag, and then does something weird with it, like chucks it in a bush or hangs it from a tree. That is a straight littering offence that comes with a £150 fixed penalty notice under the Environmental Protection Act. Kingdom officers can enforce against either offence.
Animal waste can be added to general waste bins, so any litter bin on the street or black wheelie bin at home. Ealing Council does not offer specific fouling bins anymore. 20 April 2024 - many thanks to Cllr Athena Zissimos for this information
You may get a letter through your door inviting you to join something called Nextdoor. This is a commercial outfit (not a scam) but it's nothing to do with the residents association. Like other US-based tech companies, it offers a 'free' service as a way of harvesting people's personal information for marketing purposes.
Local democracy in action
Ward Forums used to be a regular opportunity to meet your local councillors and air any concerns you may have about local services - from schools to street sweeping, road signs to recycling. Our three councillors are Fabio Conti, Jonathan Oxley and Athena Zissimos. Forum is unfortunately no longer supported by Ealing Council and does not have a budget for ward projects. Our councillors are, however, accessible by email and in regular contact with the residents association. Updated 4 Feb 2025
Flats: windows
A planning application for replacement windows on all blocks of flats on the Estate was submitted to Ealing Council in April 2018 and finally approved in May 2023. Many flats finally received their double glazing during 2024. Click here for full details of the application on the Council website. Updated 4 Feb 2025
Houses: gate posts
The original mitred black gate posts were oak and the size is currently virtually unobtainable. Japan Services bought a batch from a contact in Lithuania a few years ago but they have all run out. The best option now is to buy treated softwood timber 5" x 5" from one of the local timber merchants and have someone cut the top to match. To give them a long life, the base should not touch the ground and they should be attached to concrete spurs which themselves are set in concrete in the ground.
Houses: double glazing
Double glazing has historically not been allowed on the front of houses on the Estate. However, Ealing Council Planning Department does now approve like-for-like replacement of windows on houses in the Estate with double glazed timber framed windows at the front and UPVc at the back. Your builder or specialist double glazing company will help you apply for planning permission if needed. 17 April 2013
Data protection
In common with other organisations, HHGERA reviewed its data protection policy in light of new legislation that came into force on 25 May 2018. An outline of our approach was agreed at the Annual General Meeting on 19 April and can be found at www.hhgera.com/data-protection, along with the Association's formal Data Privacy Notice. 24 May 2018
Beware of scammers
We've all heard stories of people who have fallen victim to online fraud, courier fraud, online dating and romance fraud, identity fraud and any number of other criminal wheezes. Click here for a booklet produced by the Metropolitan Police to help you avoid falling prey to scams. 10 April 2018
Old Oak development
Land bordering our Estate is included in a massive development ('OPDC') that will ultimately bring more than 25,000 new homes and 65,000 jobs to Old Oak and Park Royal. Most of the impact will be north of the A40 but the Association is keeping a close eye on the plans. Click here to go to the OPDC website.
Massive waste processing site rejected
It's taken more than a year but the Environment Agency has refused an application to build a huge (350,000 tons/year) waste processing and recycling site on land next to the railway line that runs parallel with Noel Road. Local councillors added their voices to more than 270 local residents who raised strong objections to the application. Updated 14 March 2018
Post Office counters
Disappointingly, we have now lost both the Post Office counters at West Acton and North Ealing. The nearest ones are at Park Royal and Ealing Common.
Who owns your drains?
Good news for anyone who has trouble with their drains in future: since a recent change in the law, householders are only responsible for the section of drains that serves only their property. Everything from the point at which that joins the common drain falls to the water company, regardless of whether it's on private land. For the houses on the Estate, that means you can confidently call Thames Water to deal with any blockages beyond the manhole behind your house. We understand they are charming, helpful and efficient when called! 2 March 2017
Use of the Church hall
Thanks to some persistent detective work by Ealing Council and our former local Councillor Nigel Sumner, we have had confirmation that the Church Hall has to be made available, under the school's planning approval, for meetings of the Residents Association and local councillors' ward forums and surgeries. 20 February 2017
Our Estate's hidden river
An inquiry from someone who's writing a book about London's hidden rivers has brought to light a stream that runs in an underground culvert through the Estate. We think the Acton Boundary Stream - a tributary of Bollo Brook - originally followed the course of Masons Green Lane and was enclosed in a pipe in the 1930s. If you're interested in following this up, the best reference books are 'The Lost Rivers of London' by Barton and Myers, and Norman Pointing's 'History of Hanger Hill Ealing'. 3 September 2016
Historic photos
A new online photo archive includes photos of our Estate in 1968. Go to http://collage.cityoflondon.gov.uk and search for Hanger Hill Garden Estate. Apart from the trees being smaller, it's striking how little the view has changed. It's interesting also to see pictures of Greystoke House, whose gateway is still visible on Hanger Lane just before the roundabout. 17 August 2016
Service road gates
Keys cost £45 which includes a refundable deposit of £25. They will only be issued to residents of houses with a deed of easement and on presentation of proof of payment. Click here for full details of how to apply and go to the 'Service roads' page on this website for information about deeds of easement. Residents should please note that parking is not permitted on any part of the service roads, in order to ensure access for emergency vehicles and rubbish trucks.